Day 1: First steps on Mars

Journalist Report

Crew 267 Sol Summary Report 31-10-2022
Sol: 1
Summary Title: First steps on Mars
Author’s Name: Marta Ferran-Marques, Crew Commander and Crew Scientist
Mission Status: Nominal
Sol Activity Summary: Our crew woke up this morning and prepared breakfast together. After, the crew finished the EVA suits' training and the Map's training. Later in the morning, Paula, the Crew Biologist, watered up the plants in the GreenHab, and Cristina, the crew Health and Safety Officer and Crew Executive Officer, checked that all the alarms and safety measures were working and in place. After doing a food inventory, the crew prepared lunch - a tasty veggie rice!
After lunch, Laurene, the Crew Engineer, and Marta, the Commander and Crew Scientist, went for the first EVA of the crew. The EVA consisted of going to Marble Ritual with the rovers and walking around the area to familiarise with the astronaut suit and EVA activities. When Laurene and Marta came back, it was time for Paula and Cristina to go on the adventure! Both Marble Ritual EVAs were a success. The team was amazed by the views and felt like real Martians.
After a busy sol, we enjoyed dinner by watching a Horror movie together to celebrate Halloween at the station.
Look ahead plan: Tomorrow we’ll have a busy day with an Engineering EVA led by Laurene, an EVA to Overlook led by Paula and Marta, and some time delayed communications led by Cristina and Paula with their loved ones.
Anomalies at work: None
Crew Physical Status: Good
EVA: 2
Reports to be filed: Sol Summary, EVA Request, EVA Report
Support Requested: Thank you Mission Support for your service during our EVAs! Image
Marta and Paula at the Upper Deck.

EVA Report

EVA #1
Purpose of EVA: Marble Ritual – Familiaristion with the spacesuits, the rovers, the radio and the terrain
Destination: Marble Ritual
Coordinates (use UTM NAD27 CONUS): 4251000 - 518500
EVA Participants: Laurène Delsupexhe, Marta Ferran Marques
Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: Cow Dung Road 0110
Mode of travel: Driving + Walking
Narrative : After reaching the Marble Ritual, we continued walking in the same direction, before turning North towards the Pooh’s corner. As we were heading back to the rovers, Laurène’s headset had some issues and therefore she was not available to communicate anymore. From then on, we stuck closely together and after reaching the rovers parked on the road, we headed back to the station.
Beginning of EVA : Batteries at 100%, 194.7 hours for Spirit, 206.2 hours for Curiosity, 101.2 hours for Opportunity
End of EVA : Both batteries at 100%, 194.8 hours for Spirit, 206.3 hours for Curiosity
Laurene during Marble Ritual EVA.

EVA #2
Purpose of EVA: Marble Ritual – Familiaristion with the spacesuits, the rovers, the radio and the terrain
Destination: Marble Ritual
Coordinates (use UTM NAD27 CONUS): 4251000 - 518500
EVA Participants: Cristina Vasquez Reynel, Paula Peixoto Moledo
Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: Cow Dung Road 0110
Mode of travel: Driving + Walking
Narrative : Once the Marble Ritual was reached, we explored around Pooh’s corner. Paula’s spacesuit was a bit too low : fittings will allow to adjust it correctly before the next EVA
Beginning of EVA : Batteries at 100%, 194.8 hours for Spirit, 206.3 hours for Curiosity, 101.2 hours for Opportunity
End of EVA : Battery of Spirit at 99%, battery of Curiosity at 100%, 195 hours for Spirit, 206.4 hours for Curiosity
Paula during Marble Ritual EVA.

Health and Safety Report

All alarms tested and functioning ok.
HSO Checklist completed by Health and Safety Officer (Cristina Vazquez Reynel)
Issues to report: No CO alarm and fire extinguisher found in the GreenHab. Ignition faulty in kitchen hob.