Day 10: Our commander's birthday

Journalist Report

Crew 267 Sol Summary Report 09-11-2022
Sol: 10
Summary Title: Happy Birthday Commander!
Author’s Name: Paula Peixoto Moledo - Crew Biologist and Journalist
Mission Status: Nominal
Sol Activity Summary: OToday was a special day but our crew woke up at 7:30 am. As a birthday wish Marta asked for some pancakes for breakfast and thus Laurene, master of it, took the lead. After a very nice breakfast, Paula went to the GreenHab to do the maintenance and see if there was any leak as a consequence of the weather during the night (windy and shower the whole night). Marta, the birthday girl, had a Braided session today, it was a special one too! Meanwhile, the crew did some cake baking and updated the food inventory in preparation for the end of the mission. After, the crew continued working on the website of WoMars and some more astronaut training.
Cristina, Laurene, and Paula prepared a special meal to celebrate Marta's birthday, including cake!!
After lunch, the crew played one game of blinded 'The Mind' as they already master the normal one. Later, they went to the Science Dome to check some rocks they picked up in the last 2 EVAs and tested the salinity as previously done with other samples.
After a day’s debrief led by Marta, the crew started working on the reports and planned the special dinner for the day: PIZZA!
Happy Birthday, Commander!!!
Look ahead plan: Tomorrow the crew is planning a full day with one EVA in the morning and another one in the afternoon.
Anomalies at work: N/A
Weather: Showers, 8°C
Crew Physical Status: Good
EVA: 0
Reports to be filed: Sol Summary Report, Commander Report, GreenHab Report, Operations Report, EVAs Reports
Support Requested: N/A, thank you Mission Support! Image Image

Commander Report

Sol: 10
Summary Title: The commander turns 27 on Mars
Author’s name: Marta Ferran-Marqués, Commander and Crew Scientist
Mission Status: Nominal
Commander Report: Today it was a special day for the commander, as it was her 27th birthday. The crew woke up at 7.30 am, and had pancakes made by Laurene, the pancake-master. Later, Paula went to the GreenHab to water up the crops while Marta had a Braided communication session with her loved one.
The crew gathered together to bake a carrot cake for Marta's birthday. Later, the crew reviewed the food inventory, continued updating the WoMars website, and did some astronaut training by following Tim Peake's book.
After cooking 'falafel' crepes, the crew had lunch and celebrated Marta's birthday by singing and eating the cake. Later in the afternoon, the crew played The Mind again, but this time, blind! It is crazy how the crew is now mentally connected. After going to the Science Dome and analysing the salinity of the rocks collected in the last EVAs, the crew wrote all the reports for mission support and did a workout and stretching training.
Finally, the crew prepared the commander's favourite dinner - pizza! Image Image

Operations Report

Sol: 10
Name of person filing report: Laurène Delsupexhe
Non-nominal systems: N/A
Notes on non-nominal systems: EVA suits troubleshooting complete
Spirit rover used: No
Opportunity rover used: No
Curiosity rover used: No
Perseverance rover used: No
Summary of Hab operations:
Water (static tank): 265.0 gallons
Water (loft tank): N/A
Water Meter: N/A
Static to Loft Pump used - no
Static tank pipe heater (on or off): off
Static tank heater (On or off) off
Toilet tank emptied: yes
Summary of internet: No issues
Summary of suits and radios: No issues

GreenHab Report

GreenHab Officer: Paula Peixoto Moledo
Environmental control: 17% Humidity
Average temperatures: 27,5ºC/ 28ºC
Hours of supplemental light: N/A
Daily water usage for crops: 27,5L ≈ 7,1 Gallons
Daily water usage for research and/or other purposes: None
Water in Blue Tank 42.9 gallons
Time(s) of watering for crops: 9:30am – 8 pm
Changes to crops: Harvest microgreens
Narrative: I watered the plants 2 times today as every day since the beginning of the mission. I harvested some microgreens for our pizza tonight!
Harvest: Microgreens (20gr)
Support/supplies needed: None