Day 2: Overlook and Engineering EVA

Journalist Report

Crew 267 Sol Summary Report 01-11-2022
Sol: 2
Summary Title: Wandering into the wild
Author’s Name: Paula Peixoto Moledo, Media Officer and Crew Biologist
Mission Status: Nominal
Sol Activity Summary: Our crew woke up this morning and prepared breakfast together while the Crew Biologist, watered up the plants in the GreenHab. After breakfast- very tasty pancakes prepared by Laurene - Marta, the Commander and Crew Scientist, and Paula the Crew Biologist and Media Officer went for an EVA. The EVA consisted of going to Overlook with the rovers and walking around to familiarise themselves with the area and also to explore the paths of Mars. The EVA was not successful as planned due to a loss of connection to mission control. Although, the EVA crew had to overcome some difficulties, that made the EVA a troubleshooting learning experience for them. The EVA crew had to come back to the hab earlier than planned because of the difficulties of the mission. Time for a hot chocolate! The EVA crew was freezing after the mission!!
While the EVA team was wandering into the wild, Laurene did some GPS research and fixed a ventilation system while Cristina updated the crew website and made some bread!
While Marta and Paula heated up, Cristina had her 1st Latency Governed Messaging session with a loved one!! Right afterward, Paula had her 1st Space Braided Communication with a loved one !! Then the crew prepared lunch: A very nice soup to fight the cold weather! The crew had some time and they played 'The mind' for a while (as a team-building session).
After lunch, Laurene, the Crew Engineer, went for an Engineering EVA in order to assess the maintenance of the station. When Laurene came back, the team worked on Dronomy's Robot having a successful 1st adventure on the paths of the hab!
After a busy sol, the crew did yoga and had a peaceful night trying to reach level 9 of 'The mind'.
Look ahead plan: Tomorrow we’ll have an EVA to Overlook led by Cristina and Laurene, and some time delayed communications led by Paula and Marta with their loved ones.
Anomalies at work: Failure with comms
Crew Physical Status: Good
EVA: 2
Reports to be filed: Sol Summary, EVA Request, EVA Report, Engineering Report, HSO Report.
Water level: Measured the distance from the top of the tank to the water : H = 35 cm = 13.78 inches. Remaining water volume is approximately V = 642 – 15.24*13.78 = 432 gallons = 1635.3 liters.
Support Requested: Thank you Mission Support for your service during our EVAs! Image
Dronomy Robot test.

EVA Report

EVA #3
Purpose of EVA: The Overlook - Space Exploration
Destination: The Overlook
Coordinates (use UTM NAD27 CONUS): 4254500 - 516000
EVA Participants: Paula Peixoto Moledo, Marta Ferran Marques
Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: Cow Dung Road 0110 + Brahe Hwy 1572
Mode of travel: Driving + Walking
Narrative: Communication with mission control was lost after Galileo Road. The crew found it very difficult to find Brahe Hwy 1572 by following only the map and GPS. However, after some time the crew was able to find Brahe Hwy and stopped the Rovers at Cow Dung Road 0110. Then, they walked half of Brahe Hwy 1572 but did not manage to make it towards the Overlook, as the mission control communication was completely lost for more than half an hour and the crew thought that it was unsafe to continue. After 2h of EVA, the crew decided to finish the EVA and come back to the Hab.

Beginning of EVA:
- Curiosity: 100% battery (not plugged), 206.4
- Spirit: 100% battery (not plugged), 195h
- Opportunity: 100% battery (plugged), 101.6h

End of EVA:
- Curiosity: 52% battery, 207.5h
- Spirit: 57% battery, 195.6h
Footprints left during EVA. Image
Marta exploring during EVA. Image
Marta in the Rover Curiosoty.

EVA #4
Purpose of EVA: Engineering inspection
Destination: Around the station
Coordinates (use UTM NAD27 CONUS): 4251000 - 518000
EVA Participants: Laurene Delsupexhe
Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: Around the station
Mode of travel: Walking
Narrative: Please find below some notes taken by Laurene in accordance with the maintenance of the station. Laurene also took some photos about the issues, please find these attached.

Main hab
- Difficult closing of 2 hatch door
- Rusting on the surface
- Detached vertical gutter
- Isolation of round kitchen window slightly coming off

Science dome
- Burnt upper part of the propane tank
- Loose used hose

Green hab
- Isolation of the fan on the back slightly coming off

Health and Safety Report

Issues to report:
- Missing air vent outlet in Paula's bedroom, replaced by another vent outlet. Still missing in another bedroom.
- GreenHab: No lights or comms.
- RAM: No comms. Switch for light not found.