Journalist Report
Crew 267 Sol Summary Report 02-11-2022
Sol: 3
Summary Title: Windy Mars
Author’s Name: Laurène Delsupexhe, Crew Engineer
Mission Status: Nominal
Sol Activity Summary: Our crew woke up this morning at 7:30 am and prepared breakfast together while the Crew Biologist, watered up the plants in the GreenHab. After breakfast, the commander led a brief meeting on the day’s work. Laurène and Cristina then prepared for their EVA but it was cancelled 15 min before leaving due to high winds. Therefore, time was spent on reviewing, reorganising and updating the crew’s website. Meanwhile, Marta and Paula had their first LGM session: it was lovely being able to get in contact with their dear ones.
After a nice lunch and coffee, and a quick game of cards, the crew then proceeded to test the Dronomy robot in the hab. Luckily, as the winds had gone down, Cristina and Laurène managed to go for a quick EVA to the Kissing Camels. They were able to explore this beautiful region in addition to taking some nice photos for Laurène’s sponsor, her former school.
After a busy sol, the crew did yoga and watched a film all together.
Look ahead plan: Tomorrow we will most likely have an indoor day as the weather report is quite negative.
Anomalies at work: Failure with comms
Crew Physical Status: Good
EVA: 1
Reports to be filed: Sol Summary, EVA Request, EVA Report, HSO Report.
Water level: Not measured.
Support Requested: Thank you Mission Support for your service during our EVAs!
Paula, Crew Biologist, watering the plants in the GreenHab.
EVA Report
EVA #5: Cancelled due to strong wind gusts.
EVA #6
Purpose of EVA: Purpose of EVA: Kissing Camel exploration and photoshoot
Destination: Kissing Camel
Coordinates (use UTM NAD27 CONUS): 4249500-518000
EVA Participants: Laurène Delsupexhe, Cristina Vazquez Reynel
Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: Cow Dung Road 0110 south
Mode of travel: Driving + Walking
Narrative: Narrative: Communication with mission control was lost quickly in channel 1, communication continued between EVA crew in channel 2. The crew reached Kissing Camel Ridge and explored the area. Wind was still strong.
Beginning of EVA:
- Curiosity: 100% battery (plugged), 207.5
- Spirit: 100% battery (plugged), 195.6h
- Opportunity: 100% battery (plugged), 101.6h
End of EVA:
- Curiosity: 94% battery, 207.8h
- Spirit: 86% battery, 196h
Cristina exploring Kissing Camel Ridge during the EVA.
Health and Safety Report
No issues to report.