Day 4: Indoor experiments with Lazarus

Journalist Report

Crew 267 Sol Summary Report 03-11-2022
Sol: 4
Summary Title: Indoor experiments for the crew
Author’s Name: Cristina Vazquez Reynel, Crew Exec Officer and HSO
Mission Status: Nominal
Our crew woke up this morning at 7:30 am and prepared breakfast together while the Crew Biologist, watered up the plants in the GreenHab. After breakfast, the commander led a brief meeting on the day’s work. Given the rainy weather, there were no EVAs planned for today so WoMars focussed on the tasks that could be done indoors. The crew started the morning splitting several tasks, completed the final updates to the WoMars website, prepared the robot Lazarus for the first official trial inside the station and did some research for different experiments.
Also today, Laurene had the first LGM and Cristina and Marta had their first space braided session with their loved ones, the internet issues made the sessions a bit challenging but still for some was the first contact with Earth on days! In the meantime, the rest of the crew took some time to do some personal development studying languages and doing research for their individual projects.
After lunch, the crew was ready to do the first test with Lazarus, the Dronomy robot with visual odometry. The first trials were successful and Lazarus is ready to be tested on Mars ground tomorrow during an EVA.
Later on, the crew went together to the ScienceDome to explore the soil collected in previous EVAs.
The crew completed the day with a Taco and Movie night!
Look ahead plan: Tomorrow the crew will continue with the EVA plans as the weather will improve and will start testing the robot Lazarus outdoor.
Anomalies at work: WiFi faulty during the morning and not working after lunch until the end of the day
Crew Physical Status: Good
EVA: 0
Reports to be filed: Sol Summary, EVA Request.
Water level: Not measured Image
Marta walking with Lazarus. Image
Lazarus Robot.

EVA Report


Health and Safety Report

Nothing to report.