Journalist Report
Crew 267 Sol Summary Report 08-11-2022
Sol: 9
Summary Title: Versatile day
Author’s Name: Laurène Delsupexhe, Crew Engineer
Mission Status: Nominal
Sol Activity Summary: Our crew woke up at 7:30 am. Paula went to the GreenHab as usual to water the plants and check the temperature and humidity. As wehad a bit of time, we played The Mind, a card game we’ve gotten quite addicted to, and today we completed it fully for the first time !
Following that, Paula had her Braided Communications session with a friend of hers. Meanwhile, Cristina and Marta uploaded the data gathered the day before from the Dronomy robot.
After a lunch prepared by Laurène, Paula and Cristina prepared for their EVA with the help of Marta and Laurène. They then left to test the robot and explore the surroundings. Meanwhile, Laurène and Marta did some exercises from the « astronaut selection test book » by ESA astronaut Tim Peake.
After a day’s debrief led by Marta, the crew started working on the reports.
Look ahead plan: Tomorrow is Marta’s birthday ! If the weather allows it, she’ll head off for an EVA after a Braided Communications with her family. Meanwhile, the rest of the crew will analyse he salinity of some soils previously collected in the area.
Anomalies at work: N/A
Weather: Sunny, 18 °C
Crew Physical Status: Good
EVA: 1
Reports to be filed: Sol Summary Report, Commander Report, GreenHab Report, Operations Report, EVAs Reports
Support Requested: N/A, thank you Mission Support!
Commander Report
Sol: 9
Summary Title: Busy day on Mars
Author’s name: Marta Ferran-Marqués, Commander and Crew Scientist
Mission Status: Nominal
Commander Report: Our crew woke up this morning at 8 am, and had a light breakfast. As usual, Paula went to the GreenHab to water up the crops. Later, the crew had a team building session where they played The Mind - a team card game. Today was a big day! The crew reached the last level of the game, level 12. This shows how the team has been evolving and growing in confidence during the Nerio I mission. When the crew started playing, a couple of days before arriving at the MDRS, they weren't able to reach a higher level than 4.
Later in the morning, Paula had a time-delayed communication session with her friend while the rest of the crew downloaded, organised and sent some data from the visual odometry robot (Lazarus) to Dronomy. Then, the crew took some pictures of the station for the WoMars website.
After lunch, Paula and Cristina went for a walking EVA around the Hab. The main goal for the EVA was to test Lazarus' robot further and explore the area around the MDRS. Meanwhile, Laurene and Marta did some astronaut training, where they needed to solve some astronauts' exercises and word problems.
After a long day, the crew will have a warm soup for dinner while they finish the movie they started yesterday - Gone Girl.
EVA Report
EVA #12
Author: Cristina Vazquez Reynel, Crew Exec Officer and HSO
Purpose of EVA: Experimient with robot Lazarus
Start time: 2:10pm
End time: 4:10pm
Narrative: The crew left the main Hab at 2:10pm with the robot and tested 3 times the same straigth path of 12m with the intention of comparing the end coordinates recognised by the visual odometry. After that, they left the equipment at the airlock for the team in the Hab to download the data and charge the battery. Meanwhile, Paula and Cristina took a walk around the station exploring the area. Once the robot was ready to test again, they collected and tested 3 times a 10m square. The data was downloaded from the robot and will be analysed.
Destination: Around MDRS station
Coordinates (use UTM NAD27 CONUS): 4251000-218000
Participants: Paula Peixoto Moledo and Cristina Vazquez Reynel
Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: N/A
Mode of travel: Walking
Health and Safety Report
No issues to report.
Operations Report
Sol: 9
Name of person filing report: Laurène Delsupexhe
Non-nominal systems: N/A
Notes on non-nominal systems: EVA suits troubleshooting complete
Spirit rover used: No
Opportunity rover used: No
Curiosity rover used: No
Perseverance rover used: No
Summary of Hab operations:
Water (static tank): 270.0 gallons
Water (loft tank): N/A
Water Meter: N/A
Static to Loft Pump used - no
Static tank pipe heater (on or off): off
Static tank heater (On or off) off
Toilet tank emptied: yes
Summary of internet: No issues
Summary of suits and radios: No issues
GreenHab Report
GreenHab Officer: Paula Peixoto Moledo
Environmental control: 12% Humidity
Average temperatures: 35,3ºC/24ºC
Hours of supplemental light: N/A
Daily water usage for crops: 27,5L ≈ 7,1 Gallons
Daily water usage for research and/or other purposes: None
Water in Blue Tank 50.7 gallons
Time(s) of watering for crops: 9:30am – 8 pm
Changes to crops: None
Narrative: I watered the plants 2 times today as every day since the beginning of the mission. I harvested the Radish greens as suggested by Mission Support and we are going to prepare a nice dinner with them!
Harvest: Harvest Radish greens
Support/supplies needed: None